Friday, September 21, 2012

An open leter to Alton Brown

Dear Mr. Brown,
I feel as though I need to thank you. I can’t say how often you’ve made me look good. From your sorbet recipe to your brined turkey I have found your recipes to be universally loved. Since I began brining my New Year’s Eve turkey it’s been perfect every year. This allows me to focus on other things, like last year’s balsamic reduction.
The best part is I have found your instructions clear and concise. It’s always a neat easy step by step guide through the maze that food prep can sometimes be.
Beyond your written recipes I find your insight into the science of food enlightening. I love that it’s not food science in the “how do I make a Twinkie last for 700 years” but the science of why certain things cook the way they do. Even when I’m not working from an “Alton Brown recipe” I find myself thinking about the science. Chocolate chip cookies are a favorite of mine but I’d never understood or thought about the balance of white to brown sugar or how important the ratio of baking powder is to the dough.  I think about an oil’s smoke point. I actually know about the smoke point of oil. I love that!
I don’t consider myself a “foodie”, I’m a cook and I appreciate your view of food and cooking. I want to make food that tastes good without having to search for a special African tree fruit to make the recipe “work”. I am grateful that most of your recipes are made from foods easily found in a regular grocery store, and if it’s not there you explain where you can find it. While your food may not be flashy or cutting edge I’d prefer solid flavorful dishes to French-Mexican-Canadian-South African Fusion.
In short thank you.

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