Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Ode to the Potato

I live up to my Celtic heritage in my love of the humble tuber. I think the thing I love most is how easy they are to prepare and how different they can taste.

White Potatoes:

Right now I have normal Idaho white potatoes chopped with a little olive oil, salt, pepper, rosemary, and thyme. They have a very homey flavor. This style of potato is a fantastic comfort food. White and yellow potatoes are great because they're so inexpensive and widely available. They're also a blank slate that you can build any flavor profile on.

Red Potatoes:

You could do the same thing with red potatoes for a little more tender of a potato. I've found red potatoes are a little smoother of a texture which makes them great for mashed potatoes. The only problem is that they're smaller than a typical white or yellow potato so you need to peal more of them if you don't want to have potato skin in your mashed potatoes (which doesn't bother me at all I actually like the added texture and flavor)

Sweet Potatoes:

I love sweet potatoes. They are fantastic baked with brown sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, and butter. Alternatively you could make it with onion and the juices from whatever meat you're cooking. I like to make this with apple cider and cumin.

I've never tried blue potatoes so I can't speak to their benefits or what they taste like. I'll get back to you when I do.

1 comment:

  1. I've only had Blue potatoes in chip form... The best recipe I've run across for potatoes is the twice baked... there's a quick and easy way to do the first "Bake". First bake is 5 minutes in the microwave. Cut the potato about 1/4 of the way through, scoop out the potato guts and place them in a bowl and mash 'em. Mix the potato innards with shredded cheese, salt, pepper a little sour cream and chives. Butter the inside and outside of the shell and pop them in the oven at about 400 degrees. Let them sit for about 15 minutes. Drag em out, slap the mashed stuff back in, cover it in more cheese, chives and bake it back in the oven for a few more minutes. Easy, quick and tasty pub grub. Keep the potato recipes comin'! You know I love em!

