Monday, July 26, 2010

Okra - Part 2

Different. That's how I'm currently describing my feeling about okra. I'm not sure I've been exposed to enough to really know how I feel. I took my frozen okra, defrosted it coated it with corn meal and dry ranch dressing. I tossed it in a pan of hot vegetable oil and fried it up. I think it needs a little something to make the corn meal stick to the okra. The flavor and texture are worth noting. The flavor was similar to cucumber (maybe it was the seeds, not sure) but the texture was reminiscent of a jalapeno. I am interested to see where this goes. Maybe I'll try butter instead of okra next time! :)
Up next is a yellow summer squash. Until tomorrow, eat what you love!

1 comment:

  1. I'm excited that you tried okra!

    I have a friend who makes fried okra pretty regularly (when it's in season anyways), and I'm pretty sure she tosses it with an egg before coating it with cornmeal, flour, and salt. I can ask her if you're interested. I like the ranch dressing idea - I'm picturing that being a fun kick to pretty much anything you'd fry... :)
