Friday, June 17, 2011

Strawberry preserves

So my wedding is a week away and I've just started making the favors. It's been an adventure so far. I'm making strawberry preserves, which I've done before with great success. However this time the preserving/gelling gods are not on my side. The first batch didn't turn out as well as I'd hoped. But I think I know the problem! Sugar! Not enough sugar. And I think I pureed a little too much. I used my brand new handy dandy stick blender.

It's awesome but it works too well! I need to learn to harness the power of my blender. I ended up with all liquid and no chunks of strawberry like I always think of preserves as having. So I had to cut up extra strawberries and throw them in the pot to add that extra bit of texture.

Oh well... better luck next time!

Thank you to Joan, Larisa and Lucia for my awesomely powerful stick blender!

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